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3 Essential Factors to Consider when choosing a Water Filtration System

Writer's picture: Alcorn Pump & Water FiltrationAlcorn Pump & Water Filtration

Updated: Apr 5, 2024

We recently had the honor to present at the Rural Water Association of Arizona (RWAAZ) conference. It was a wonderful event, and inspiring to see individuals and organizations dedicated to preserving clean water in Arizona. One theme was clear in our minds when we presented, expert water filtration and water safety are vital components of healthy living. At Alcorn Pump, we're passionate about providing the right education and tools so people can know that their water is safe to drink and use.

During the conference, we shared our insights and experiences about our process when we're considering a particular water system, and we think it's important for everyone to know - whether you're one of our customers or are in the market for a new filtration system.

Here are the top three factors we consider when choosing a water filtration system for our customers.

Water Safety is First. Always.

There's a reason why all of the products that we use are EPA-standard and NSF-approved. When it comes to water safety, you don't want to mess around. Ensuring that your equipment is safe and up to current standards will save your health, time, and money in the long run and is a smart investment for your home.

If you're on city water or a well, remember to test, test, test your water. It's essential to know what you're dealing with from different water sources. A properly designed and maintained filtration system and knowing how to treat water to reduce contamination is critical.

If you have a well, you need to know how to maintain and service it. We can help customers know when disinfection of water wells should be done, what should be used, and how often it is needed. If you have questions about water testing, please reach out! We're happy to help.

Don't Overlook System Design

As water well contractors, we take many factors into consideration when dealing with new water systems, old water systems, tired water systems, and all systems in-between. When looking at design, we do many things to gather the data that we need to best help our customers.

A poorly designed water system can cause many problems and sometimes may be the key answer to the unmet needs of the water source and water system. Questions we ask ourselves when researching a water filtration design - Was this system properly designed to meet the need? Has the need or demand changed? What’s the solution?

We look at the type of gallons per minute we're getting. Do we need to conduct a flow test or a drawdown? What are the current needs of the water system? Does the current design meet these needs? If more water is needed, what are the different options?

What's the condition of the water source itself? Have there been any changes within the construction of the water well? Is it flowing and working properly? All of these questions are essential to ask yourself or someone you hire when looking at installing a new system.

Reliability. Like a Car Needs Maintenance, so does your Water.

As car owners, we know that we need to service our vehicles in order to keep them in tip-top shape. Oil change every 3,000 miles or so? When the oil light turns on, or we get a notification on our car, we know it's time to get a tune-up. The same goes for water testing and maintenance.

When deciding on a water filtration system, reliability is a key priority - we're ultimately looking for sustainability, longevity, and the most cost-effective route to take. Now, let's say you don't get your oil changed when the light goes off, you can probably take a little longer without servicing your vehicle, and you won't see immediate damage. However, over time, things stop working properly, and that's not the place where you want to be when it comes to the water in your home.

Maintaining your water filtration system now will save you costly repairs down the line. It also gives you peace of mind that you're doing all you can to keep yourself and your family healthy and safe. We like to think of service to the water system as a service to the vehicle you drive. Make it a habit now, and it will benefit you for a lifetime.

Here's a recap...

All products have a lifespan to them before they “wear out and fail.” This is so true when looking at the components of a water system and the water system as a whole. When providing the right maintenance and service to the water system you’re dealing with, you can get the most out of that water system.

Things to look at to receive sustainability, longevity, and the most cost-effective route for your home, while keeping safety at the top of the list.

  • The type of products used. Do they meet EPA and NSF standards? These standards put the products through a higher testing rate than the manufacturers' products. Install products that have a proven track record and are made well.

  • Are the products used designed for the right application? We run into this a lot with our customers. Ask questions and double-check to ensure they're correctly installed for the right thing.

  • Were the products used and installed correctly by the right contractor? Would you ever hire a plumber to fix your roof? Or would you have a foot doctor perform heart surgery? The same rules apply here.

  • Do you understand the proper maintenance needed for each water system and product? What are some things that can happen when the water systems components are not serviced or maintained? Systems do not fail overnight!

If you're looking for a new water filtration system or have questions about the water system in your home, we're happy to help answer your questions. Don't hesitate to reach out!




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